Advanced Wireless Innovation Region

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The River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region is a £3.75m initiative, wholly funded by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and managed by Shropshire Council on behalf of the River Severn Partnership.

The RSPAWIR involves a wide array of partners and stakeholders with an interest in accelerating and exploiting the use of technologies enabled by Advanced Wireless Connectivity. The core aim of the RSPAWIR is to create opportunities for economic growth and to generate efficiencies that have environmental and social as well as economic benefits.

The RSPAWIR is focused on accelerating the adoption of advanced wireless enabled technologies across three sectors which have particularly strong roots in the River Severn catchment area.

- Water Management
- Agri-Tech
- Public Sector

The RSPAWIR develops Use Cases that exploit market ready technology and invests in dissemination activities to nurture the Advanced Wireless Connectivity ecosystem and further the case for the mainstream adoption of Advanced Wireless Technologies both within the region and the UK more widely.

The Programme is one of 10 Innovation Regions nationally and will operate until March 2025.

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